Love Fearlessly

Express your love and feelings fearlessly. You must allow yourself to love and to be loved. Never hide your feelings from the person you love. Never let walls stand or come between yourself and your spouse. Love often makes us feel weak and out of control, so it is in our nature to hold back or guard a piece of heart even from our closest loved ones. It takes a strong person to surrender fearlessly to this intoxicating feeling, to share ourselves completely. Tell your mate everyday how important they are to you. Show them daily the appreciation they deserve for the things they do for you. Let them know they are loved unconditionally, not only with your words, but also by your actions. Love knows no fear, love has no boundaries, love believes anything is possible, and love never fails. If you can truly love someone in this manner then it is easy for them to love you back in return.

This excerpt is from the book:

199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, and Sex Life

By L. B. Sommer  


 199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, And Sex Life

6" x 9" Paperback $12.99

KINDLE E-book version $3.99

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